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» Shino Shoten Co., Ltd. Apask: Innovative sales-ready rental service

Shino Shoten Co., Ltd. Apask: Innovative sales-ready rental service

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[Shino Shoten Co., Ltd.] Apask: Innovative rental service for sale ​
Shino Shoten Co., Ltd. Press release: November 19, 2024 “World’s first! Apparel purchasing appask that will never fail and has no inventory risk” We provide product purchasing in a rental format to reduce cost burden. Services for the apparel industry and select shops×2700.jpg Shino Shoten Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Suginami-ku, Tokyo,
Representative Director: Takamasa Shinohara) has launched the innovative sellable rental service “Apasque” with the aim of solving problems in the retail industry. By providing it in a rental format, we eliminate inventory risk and significantly reduce operating costs. We are currently starting to provide full-scale services to the apparel industry and select shops. ■Finally Nationwide expansion Start Apask is currently conducting test operations at five stores in the Kanto and Kansai areas, and is improving the service based on feedback from actual store owners. Based on the success stories and
problem-solving know-how obtained through this test operation, we will Nationwide expansion Start.×768.png ■Development background Traditional purchasing-based businesses suffer from inventory risks and disposal losses, and especially when dealing with trending products, immediate replacements are required, which often leads to pressure on funds and space. Additionally, if inventory sales were to slow down, it would have an impact on the store’s overall profit structure, so smaller stores were left in a more difficult situation. In order to solve such issues, Shino Shoten Co., Ltd., based on its knowledge of store management and product provision, has developed a new sales rental service called “Apasque” with zero inventory risk.×2700.jpg Features of Apask: Focusing on recyclable denim pants In order to achieve sustainable fashion, we mainly sell recyclable denim pants. Denim is a highly durable material that can be used for many years, making it suitable for reuse and recycling.×2700.jpg ■Recyclable sweatshirt. This item is highly durable and suitable for reuse and recycling. We provide products that store owners can feel safe selecting as standard items that are supported by many customers depending on the season. Apask site

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