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» Down wear brand “ALLIED FEATHER + DOWN” introduces size recommendation engine “unisize” for apparel EC

Down wear brand “ALLIED FEATHER + DOWN” introduces size recommendation engine “unisize” for apparel EC

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Down wear brand “ALLIED FEATHER DOWN” introduces size recommendation engine “unisize” for apparel EC ​ MN Inter Fashion Co., Ltd. Press release: January 30, 2025 Down wear brand “ALLIED FEATHER DOWN” introduces size recommendation engine “unisize” for apparel EC Image
URL:×1000.jpg The official website of “ALLIED FEATHER DOWN” operated by MN Interfashion Co., Ltd., Minato-ku, Tokyo, Representative Director and President: Isshin Yoshimoto, hereinafter referred to as “MN
Interfashion”, is the official website of Maykip Co., Ltd.
(Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, President and CEO :We have introduced
“unisize”, a size recommendation engine for apparel EC operated by Shingo Emoto (hereinafter referred to as “Maykip”). We have introduced a size recommendation function so that customers can use the clothes they like for a longer period of time. By analyzing the customer’s body shape and preferences and suggesting the optimal size, this feature helps customers find the perfect match, while reducing returns due to incorrect size and reducing environmental impact. . By promoting DX in the fashion industry and having people continue to wear their clothes with love for longer, we will contribute to the realization of a sustainable future.×984.png About ALLIED FEATHER DOWN ALLIED FEATHER DOWN, which has been attracting attention for many years as the world’s top down supplier that is unrivaled, has been developing a down wear brand since the fall/winter season of 2021. ALLIED’s feathers are procured from contract farms that maintain a healthy breeding environment for waterfowl and strictly control chemical substances. We also comply with strict animal welfare regulations established by multiple third-party organizations. Furthermore, we have developed
industry-leading environmentally friendly down refining technology, and aim to provide products that are the most sustainable down on the planet. ALLIED down boasts quality and performance that keeps adventurers warm and safe in harsh environments, and is widely known as the best down for everyday use. The commitment to quality improvement that goes into products bearing the ALLIED logo continues in the production of down wear. Official website: Instagram: Unisize, a size recommendation engine for apparel EC sites provided by Maykip unisize( is a size recommendation engine that recommends the size that best fits your body when buying clothes online. We have a large amount of clothing size data from domestic and international clothing brands, and make recommendations using our unique algorithm that estimates the optimal size based on the user’s physical information and characteristics entered. (*Patented) EC users can check the recommended size that suits them without measuring with a tape measure by simply answering a simple questionnaire of at least 1 minute, such as clothes that fit their body and body characteristics. . About MN Inter Fashion Co., Ltd. MN Inter Fashion Co., Ltd. was created in 2022 through the business integration of Nippon Steel Bussan Co., Ltd.’s textile business and Mitsui Bussan i-Fashion. We are developing innovative brands through the procurement and sale of functional materials and apparel products. Official website:

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