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» More than 60% of people are not good at negotiating prices via messages!? | Fashion flea market app “digdig” releases a “request price request” feature that allows you to negotiate prices without interacting with sellers

More than 60% of people are not good at negotiating prices via messages!? | Fashion flea market app “digdig” releases a “request price request” feature that allows you to negotiate prices without interacting with sellers

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More than 60% are not good at negotiating prices via messages!? | Fashion flea market app “digdig” releases “request price request” function that allows price negotiation without interacting with sellers ​
FUNEE Co., Ltd. / digdig Press release: November 29, 2024 More than 60% of people are not good at negotiating prices via messages!? | Fashion flea market app “digdig” releases a “request price request” feature that allows you to negotiate prices without interacting with sellers FUNEE Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, President and CEO: Chengjun Yang) lowers product prices on the fashion flea market app “digdig” operated by the company without exchanging messages. We have released a new feature “Suggested Price Request” that allows you to negotiate. By enabling prospective buyers to negotiate prices easily and quickly, we aim to further promote the “circulation” of clothing and realize sustainable fashion.×1080.png Release background of “Suggested Price Request” “digdig” is a fashion flea market app that combines the fun of finding bargains with the convenience of getting rid of unwanted clothes easily and at a reasonable price. It is used by many clothing lovers, especially Generation Z. While providing this service, we have received feedback from users such as “I want to negotiate the price of the product I want, but I don’t want the hassle of back and forth” and “Messages about price negotiation from prospective buyers are annoying.” In fact, “digdig” official Instagram ( @digdig.official ) conducted a survey (*) of its followers regarding “messages about price negotiation in flea market apps,” and found that over 60% of them found it troublesome.×1080.png With this background in mind, we have released a new feature, “Suggested Price Request,” which allows sellers and prospective buyers to negotiate prices without exchanging messages. (*) Survey overview ・Survey method: Survey of followers through “digdig” official Instagram ・Survey period: November 19-20, 2024 ・Number of respondents: 100 people When using the results of this survey, please specify [digdig research]. About “Suggested Price Request” Simply open the page for the product you want, tap “Request Price” and enter your desired price. You will be notified within 24 hours only if the seller is willing to sell at the negotiated price.×1328.png About the fashion flea market app “digdig” “digdig” is a fashion flea market app that aims to achieve sustainable fashion through the “circulation” of clothes through “buying” and “selling.” The number of users is rapidly increasing, especially among the
clothing-loving Gen Z and Alpha generations.×1999.png ▼ No need for troublesome photographing and packing work! You can sell at a reasonable price Users simply fill the bags (listing kit) sent to them by digdig with their clothes, ship them, enter their desired selling price, and the listing process is complete. All measuring, photography, packaging, and shipping work will be done by digdig, and the clothes will be sold.×1045.png ▼ Related URL iOS app: Android app: Service site: Instagram : Recruiting members to create “digdig” together “digdig” is used by many people, but there are still many things that need to be done, such as developing new functions and improving operations for product placement (photography, measurements, manuscript submission). We are looking for members who will support the growth of “digdig”. If you are interested, please see the page below. (We are recruiting for a wide range of engineers, PdM, marketing, and corporate positions) Also, please read the representative’s note for the background and thoughts behind the launch of the service. [FUNEE Overview] Company name: FUNEE Co., Ltd. Establishment date: March 18, 2019
Representative: Chengjun Yang Address: 1-26-4-302 Shoto, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo Homepage:

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