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» ONWARD Holdings Co., Ltd. ONWARD INTEGRATED REPORT 2024 Published “Integrated Report 2024”

ONWARD Holdings Co., Ltd. ONWARD INTEGRATED REPORT 2024 Published “Integrated Report 2024”

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Onward Holdings Co., Ltd. press release (2024.11.29) Onward Holdings Co., Ltd. ONWARD INTEGRATED REPORT 2024 “Integrated Report 2024” published Onward Holdings Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Chuo-ku, Tokyo; President and Representative Director: Michinobu Yasumoto) is pleased to announce that we have published our first “Integrated Report 2024” on Friday, November 29th.×727.jpg [Integrated Report 2024] Our group has established a mission statement of “Bringing moisture and color to people and the earth,” and through “customer-centered management that leverages the diverse individualities of our employees,” we strive to create “moisture and color” that coexists with the earth. Our goal is to continue moving forward as a “lifestyle culture creation company” that contributes to the creation of a better lifestyle. In order to convey the value creation story of Onward Holdings to our stakeholders in an easy-to-understand manner, this report describes the vision of our group, the value we provide to society, the strategies and management base to realize them, and the financial and We comprehensively compile information on ESG, etc. This year, we are explaining the various initiatives we are undertaking to improve corporate value under “ONWARD VISION 2030” announced in April 2024. 01  Mission Statement 02  Editorial policy, information disclosure system, etc. 03  Top Message 04  History of value creation 05  Value creation process 06  Source of strength      ・Overall picture of the business      ・Brands that lead to long and deep connections with customers
     ・“Connect” business group to realize the mission statement      ・Real x Digital
     ・Human capital management
     ・Value chain 07  Onward Group’s unique strengths and growth engine ・Onward Group’s unique strengths and growth engine      ・Column  Planning/Brand development      ・Column  Production
     ・Column Onward Closet Select (OCS) 08  Management strategy/management goals 09  CFO message 10  Sustainability 11  Conversation with outside directors 12  Management Team
13  Financial Data ■Onward Holdings Co., Ltd. Overview It was founded in 1927 as Kashiyama Shoten. Currently, we are promoting business in the three areas of “fashion,” “wellness,” and “corporate design,” and expanding our business overseas in three regions: “Europe,” “America,” and “Asia.” Based on our mission statement of “Bringing Moisture and Color to People and the Earth,” we strive to live a life of “Moisture and Color” in harmony with the Earth through “Customer-centered Management that leverages the diverse
individualities of our employees.” We will continue to move forward as a “lifestyle culture creation company” that contributes to the creation of new lifestyles. Established: September 4, 1947 (Showa 22) Representative: Michinobu Yasumoto, President and Representative Director Head Office: Onward Park Building, 3-10-5 Nihonbashi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 103-8239 URL:

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