[Ippou Co., Ltd.] [Sapporo | Auspicious days x anniversaries survey] More than half of married people living in Hokkaido consider their wedding anniversaries to be “auspicious days.” Future anniversaries Of those who want to make a commemorative item for two people, half of them want a ring
Ippou Co., Ltd. Press release: January 29, 2025 [Sapporo | Auspicious days x anniversaries survey] More than half of married people living in Hokkaido consider their wedding anniversaries to be “auspicious days”. Of those who want to make a ring, half of them want a ring. ~Handmade wedding rings, engagement rings, and pairing rings “Kobo Smith Sapporo” announced~ Kobo Smith Sapporo, a store specializing in handmade wedding rings, engagement rings, and pairing rings, is run by Ippou Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Sapporo City, Hokkaido, Representative Director: Masato Kaketani). We would like to inform you that we conducted an awareness survey regarding auspicious days and anniversaries among 104 residents. Image
URL: https://prcdn.freetls.fastly.net/release_image/61840/77/61840-77-f9e376eb1fc87b53abe94265d16fcd22-1200×800.jpg • 01|More than half of married people consider wedding anniversaries to be “auspicious days” • 02|Good points about using “auspicious days” as anniversaries: “Every year’s anniversary is a good turning point” (20.2%), “It’s easy to receive blessings from those around you” (19.2%) • 03|1 in 3 married people say they want to have a special and memorable experience on their anniversary ■Survey overview • Survey name: Awareness survey regarding auspicious days and anniversaries • Survey method: Internet survey planned by research data marketing “Respy(R)︎” provided by IDEATECH • Survey period: January 15, 2025 to January 17, 2025 • Valid answers: 104 people living in Hokkaido who got married within the last 5 years *Some numbers have been rounded up to make the total 100%. Therefore, there may be slight differences from the actual calculated values. ≪Terms of Use≫ 1. Please clearly indicate the name of “Kobo Simith Sapporo” as the source of the information. 2 If you use this on your website, please include the link below as the source. URL:
https://sapporo-smith.jp/ ■More than half of people consider wedding anniversaries to be “auspicious days” “Q1. Were you conscious of auspicious dates for marriage-related anniversaries such as
registration dates and weddings?”(n=104). 20.2% said they were “very conscious” and 32.7% said they were “somewhat conscious.”
https://prcdn.freetls.fastly.net/release_image/61840/77/61840-77-4132e7113a383c41361d82df81c68cb9-1200×800.jpg Q1.Are you conscious of auspicious days for marriage-related anniversaries such as registration day or wedding? ・Very conscious: 20.2% ・Somewhat conscious: 32.7% ・I didn’t really notice it: 27.9% ・I was not aware of it at all: 16.3% ・Don’t know/can’t answer: 2.9% ■ Approximately 60% of married people set “Daian” on their wedding anniversary For those who answered “I was very conscious” or “somewhat conscious” in Q1, I asked “Q2. Which auspicious day did you choose for your wedding anniversary? (Multiple answers allowed)” (n= 55), 58.2% said “Daian”, 36.4% said “Ichiryu Manbai”, and 20.0% said “On a day with good vocabulary (such as February 22nd)”. It became.
https://prcdn.freetls.fastly.net/release_image/61840/77/61840-77-0081f46573381b47a829b12018ca4bae-1200×800.jpg Q2.Which auspicious day did you set for your wedding anniversary? (Multiple answers) ・Daian: 58.2% ・One grain per day: 36.4% ・Days with good vocabulary (such as February 22nd): 20.0% ・Tensha day: 16.4% ・A memorable day for both of us: 10.9% ・Tiger’s Day: 7.3% ・Komi’s Day: 1.8% ・Kamiyoshi day: 1.8% ・Other: 3.6% -First win -It’s not a great deal, but it’s an auspicious day, the day of your favorite number ・Don’t know/can’t answer: 3.6% ■ Approximately 90% of married people set their “registration date” to an “auspicious day” Those who answered “I was very conscious” or “I was somewhat conscious” in Q2 were asked to answer “Q3. What anniversary did you set on an auspicious day? (Multiple answers allowed)” n=55), 87.3% answered “date of registration,” 23.6% answered “wedding date,” and 9.1% answered “engagement anniversary.”
https://prcdn.freetls.fastly.net/release_image/61840/77/61840-77-09991540cb59467c4e3f608d4890447e-1200×800.jpg Q3.What anniversary did you set on an auspicious day? (Multiple answers) ・Date of enrollment: 87.3% ・Wedding date: 23.6% ・Engagement anniversary: 9.1% ・Moving date to new house: 7.3% ・Wedding ring purchase/production date: 5.5% ・Other: 1.8% – Anniversary of dating ・Don’t know/can’t answer: 1.8% ■ Good things about choosing
“auspicious days” as anniversaries, such as “Every anniversary is a good turning point” and “It’s easy to explain the reason for the celebration, so it’s easy to receive blessings from those around you.” /u> “Q4. Please tell me what you feel is good about having an auspicious day as your anniversary. (Multiple answers allowed)”(n=104) every year’s anniversary 20.2% said “It’s a good milestone”, 19.2% said “It’s easy to explain the reason for the celebration, and it’s easy to get congratulations from those around you”, and 16.3% said “I can expect good things for each anniversary”. It has been answered.
https://prcdn.freetls.fastly.net/release_image/61840/77/61840-77-f94a39105c3270045271a3f87715ae96-1200×800.jpg Q4. Please tell us what you think was good about choosing an auspicious day as your anniversary. (Multiple answers) ・Every anniversary is a good turning point: 20.2% ・It is easy to explain the reason for the celebration and it is easy to receive blessings from those around you: 19.2% ・I can expect good things for each
anniversary: 16.3% ・The auspiciousness itself becomes a memory: 14.4% ・If the anniversaries overlap, the celebration will be doubled, making it more enjoyable: 13.5% ・Special dates called auspicious days are easy to remember: 13.5% ・Easy for relatives to remember and cherish annual commemorations: 10.6% ・Easy to combine with lucky charms and celebrations: 8.7% ・Easy to choose lucky charms and souvenirs: 1.9% ・Others: 0.0% ・Nothing in particular: 31.7% ・Don’t know/can’t answer: 3.8% ■ Comments such as “I’m confident that I can be happy because it’s an auspicious day” and “I can remember the date forever” For those who answered anything other than “Not in particular” or “I don’t know/can’t answer” in Q4, please feel free to ask“Q5.Other than what you answered in Q4, if there is anything you feel is good about commemorating an auspicious day, please feel free to ask.” Please tell me. (Free answer) (n=67), we received 42 answers such as “It’s an auspicious day, so I’m confident that I can be happy!” and “I can remember the date forever.” I was able to do that. • Since the couple’s birthdays are two days apart, they decided to mark the day between them as their wedding anniversary. So I think it was great to be able to celebrate something for three days in a row. • It’s an auspicious day so you can be happy! I feel confident. • We can reacquaint ourselves with each other’s anniversaries. • The act of researching auspicious days together is itself a memory. • You can remember the date forever. • I think I’ll be even happier. ■The meaning of “auspicious origin” for themselves, “elements that make the anniversary of two people even more special” and “an expression of hope for future happiness” were ranked high Q6. What does the word “enki” mean to you? (Multiple answers allowed)”(n=104), 35.6% answered “Elements that make their anniversary even more special,” and 35.6% responded “An expression of hope for future happiness.” ” was the answer of 34.6%, and “An opportunity to create memories” was the answer of 23.1%.
https://prcdn.freetls.fastly.net/release_image/61840/77/61840-77-f20d365067dfb10ba05f9ed3df2e6608-1200×800.jpg Q6. What does “enki” mean to you? (Multiple answers) ・Elements that make your anniversary even more special: 35.6% ・Expression of desire for future happiness: 34.6% ・Opportunity for making memories: 23.1% ・Things to get your married life off to a good start: 16.3% ・Symbol of hopes and expectations for a new life: 16.3% ・Values that value tradition and culture: 15.4% ・Opportunity to deepen bonds with family and relatives: 12.5% ・Others: 0.0% ・Nothing in particular: 18.3% ・Don’t know/can’t answer: 1.9% ■What I would like to do on my anniversary, “I want to have a celebration with my family” came first, “I want to have a special memorable experience” and “I want to visit a memorable place” were tied for 2nd place “Q7. What would you like to do on your anniversary in the future? (Multiple answers allowed)” (n=104) 33.7% said “I want to reserve a seat,” 28.8% said “I want to have a special and memorable experience,” and 28.8% said “I want to visit a memorable place.”
https://prcdn.freetls.fastly.net/release_image/61840/77/61840-77-bdf83fffe6d6433e78b05401b75190ac-1200×800.jpg Q7. Please tell us what you would like to do on your anniversary in the future. (Multiple answers) ・I want to have a celebration with my family: 33.7% ・I want to have a special and memorable experience: 28.8% ・I want to visit a memorable place: 28.8% ・I want to make a commemorative item for two people: 17.3% ・I want to take a
commemorative photo: 15.4% ・I want to buy souvenirs: 13.5% ・Other: 2.9% – I want to have a fun day on my family trip -Eat delicious food ・Nothing in particular: 16.3% ・Don’t know/can’t answer: 2.9% ■When it comes to souvenirs that two people would like to make together, 50.0% said “ring” For those who answered “I want to make a souvenir together” in Q7, “Q8. What kind of thing would you like to make? Please choose the one that most applies.” (n=18), the answers were 50.0% for “rings,” 11.0% for “necklaces,” and 11.0% for “pottery (rice bowls and mugs).”
https://prcdn.freetls.fastly.net/release_image/61840/77/61840-77-7916baf1dfa8e1cf2ce589c6f3d1f8fb-1200×800.jpg Q8.What kind of things would you like to make? Please choose the one that applies most to you. ・Ring: 50.0% ・Necklace: 11.0% ・Ceramics (bowls and mugs): 11.0% ・Bracelet: 5.6% ・Keychain: 5.6% ・Photo frame: 5.6% ・Candle: 5.6% ・Earrings/piercing: 0.0% ・Others: 0.0% ・Don’t know/can’t answer: 5.6% ■Summary This time, we conducted an awareness survey regarding auspicious days and anniversaries among 104 Hokkaido residents who got married within the past five years. First, we found that more than half of married people are conscious of “auspicious days” when it comes to their wedding anniversaries. Specifically, 58.2% of the respondents chose “Daian”, followed by “Ichiryu Manbaihi” at 36.4%. In addition, 87.3% of people set their
“registration date” as an “auspicious day,” and the reason for choosing an “auspicious day” was that “every year’s anniversary is a good turning point” (20.2%). and “I am easily congratulated by those around me” (19.2%). Furthermore, when asked what they would like to do on their anniversary, the largest number of respondents (33.7%) answered, “I want to have a celebration with my family,” followed by “I want to have a special memorable experience,” and “I want to visit a place with fond memories.” ‘ was tied for 28.8%. Finally, of those who wanted to make a handmade souvenir for themselves, 50.0% chose a “ring.” This survey revealed that by choosing “auspicious days” for wedding anniversaries and registration dates, couples are able to share special moments and deepen their bonds. In particular, it can be seen that the auspicious days that couples choose for themselves are not only anniversaries that add color to their daily lives, but also days that have special meaning for the couple. This year, why not plan to create a souvenir that the process of creating together will itself become a wonderful memory, and create an opportunity to foster a deeper bond on this auspicious day? ■If you want to make pairings by hand in Hokkaido, go to “Kobo Smith Sapporo”
https://prcdn.freetls.fastly.net/release_image/61840/77/61840-77-cc06367b503964dc3ce72351b4944e48-1360×686.png A free and beautiful ring that can only be made by Studio Smith Sapporo. Wedding rings and engagement rings are special, so you want to create an ideal design that captures the couple’s feelings. Designers and skilled craftsmen will bring your dreams to life. [Sapporo Main Store] Address: Oenon Hokkaido BLD1F, Minami 2-jo Nishi 10-1, Chuo-ku, Sapporo 060-0062 Business hours: 10:00-19:00 (Late course 19:00-22:00) Reservations: Reservations are required. Please make a reservation using the form below.
https://sapporo-smith.jp/reserve/ Access: 3 minutes walk from Exit 3 of Nishi 11-chome Station on the Tozai Subway Line *Free parking available URL: https://sapporo-smith.jp/ [Keio Plaza Hotel CENTER store, EAST store, WEST store] Address: 1F Keio Plaza Hotel Sapporo, 7-2-1 Kita 5 Nishi, Chuo-ku, Sapporo 060-0005 Business hours: CENTER store|9:30-19:00 (late course 18:30-21:30) EAST store|9:30-19:30 (Late course 18:00-21:00) WEST store|10:00-19:00 (Late course 19:00-20:30) Reservations: Reservations are required. Please make a reservation using the form below. https://sapporo-smith.jp/reserve/ Access: 5 minutes walk from JR “Sapporo” station URL: https://sapporo-smith.jp/ ■Company profile Company name: Ippou Co., Ltd. Location: 〒060-0062 Oenon Hokkaido BLD1F, Minami 2-jo Nishi 10-chome, Chuo-ku, Sapporo, Hokkaido Founded: April 1, 2009 Representative: Representative Director: Masato Kaketani URL: https://ippoo-japan.com/ Jewelry repair/renovation specialty store “RITZ GLANDE”:

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