[Endless Co., Ltd.] Merry Chirtmas “Christmas motif accessories” arrived on Thursday, November 21st. We sell high quality accessories and fashion goods at reasonable prices.
Endless Co., Ltd. Press release: November 25, 2024 Merry Chirtmas “Christmas motif accessories” are now in stock on Thursday, November 21st. We sell high quality accessories and fashion goods at reasonable prices. Selling high quality accessories and fashion goods at reasonable prices
https://prcdn.freetls.fastly.net/release_image/61261/720/61261-720-20108bad2e4562fabb52e9da590ada82-1586×1269.jpg One month left until Christmas. There are many people who spend time with their loved ones, such as family, friends, and lovers. In order to preserve the fun times that pass by in the blink of an eye as even more wonderful memories, Introducing items with Christmas motifs that you can enjoy together with fashion. Hair accessories with motifs reminiscent of Christmas, such as Santa Claus and trees. We also recommend wearing them with your friends.
https://prcdn.freetls.fastly.net/release_image/61261/720/61261-720-7867b61d5882b4e6290d96c953fce4ac-1000×1000.jpg Product name: Christmas motif set three pins Product number: LSH10-2410-112 Price: ¥550 (tax included) Variation: Red (0RED)/Brown (1BRN)/Green (2GRN) Product page:
https://lunaearth.jp/products/lsh10-2410-112 Product name: Christmas motif set rubber Product number: LSH10-2410-1119 Price: ¥330 (tax included) Variation: Red (RED)/Brown (BRN) Product page:
https://lunaearth.jp/products/lsh10-2410-1119 Product name: Christmas motif bun clip Product number: LHA10-2410-335 Price: ¥330 (tax included) Variation: White (1WHT)/Brown (0BRN) Product page: https://lunaearth.jp/products/lha10-2410-335 With a design that combines cuteness and elegance, there are also accessories recommended for dates. The winter-like material gives you a warm feeling. Image
URL: https://prcdn.freetls.fastly.net/release_image/61261/720/61261-720-3e300226d29b41414fd9343faa104cd5-1000×1000.jpg
https://prcdn.freetls.fastly.net/release_image/61261/720/61261-720-903557ae94d41e42066fdfb8b98856ab-1000×1000.jpg Product Name: White Fabance Clip Product number: LHA10-2411-3189 Price: ¥330 (tax included) Variation: Red (RED)/Black (BLK) Product page: https://lunaearth.jp/products/lha10-2411-3189 Product Name: Velor Ribbon Mini Vance Set/Pearl Product number: LSH10-2411-1085 Price: ¥550 (tax included) Variation: Red (RED)/Black (BLK) Product page: https://lunaearth.jp/products/lsh10-2411-1085 Product Name: Velor Ribbon Mini Vance Set / Heart Stone Product number:
LSH10-2411-1086 Price: ¥550 (tax included) Variation: Red (RED)/Black (BLK) Product page: https://lunaearth.jp/products/lsh10-2411-1086 Earrings and rings have a cute miniature feel. This is an item that would make a great gift.
https://prcdn.freetls.fastly.net/release_image/61261/720/61261-720-46a2b49785083d9947c13cddf6d0b60e-1000×1000.jpg Product name: Christmas titanium earrings / Santa Claus x wreath Product number: LSA15-2411-1100 Price: ¥550 (tax included) Variation: Red (RED) Product page: https://lunaearth.jp/products/lsa15-2411-1100 Product Name: Christmas Ring / Candy x Cookie Product number: LSA15-2411-1104 Price: ¥550 (tax included) Variation: Brown (BRN) Product page: https://lunaearth.jp/products/lsa15-2411-1104 You can view the new products released on November 21st (Thursday) from the URL below. https://lunaearth.jp/collections/new-arrival
https://prcdn.freetls.fastly.net/release_image/61261/720/61261-720-daa8429a7494c7afc2ea08055c344a02-850×400.jpg LUNA = Moon EARTH = Us LUNA illuminates EARTH with gentle light and soothes the heart with its beauty. LUNA EARTH was born with the aim of being an accessory shop that always accompanies us and makes us shine. We bring you new affordable accessories that are perfect for any occasion. Because we want everyone to wear it safely Titanium post earrings, resin earrings, non-piercing earrings, nickel-free, stainless steel, etc. We also have a wide selection of
allergy-friendly accessories. ◆LUNA EARTH ONLINE https://lunaearth.jp/ ◆LUNA EARTH instagram (@lunaearth_official)
https://www.instagram.com/lunaearth_official/ ◆LUNA EARTH stores [Permanent stores] (56 stores nationwide as of November 25, 2024)
https://lunaearth.jp/pages/shop-list • Company profile Company name Endless Co., Ltd. Representative director Representative director Business details Manufacture of accessory parts Retail and wholesale of beads in general, nail-related products, and accessories Operation of beads and accessories stores Capital 40 million yen Location Endless Building, 1-20-1 Yanagibashi, Taito-ku, Tokyo 111-0052 Phone number 03-5821-7482 • Inquiries regarding this matter Endless Co., Ltd. (toll free) URL: https://lunaearth.jp/

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