[Ippou Co., Ltd.] [Survey on Christmas gifts in 2024, asked 106 men and women living in Hokkaido (54.7% living in Sapporo City) who have partners] Regarding the handmade presents they would like to give for Christmas, one in three people said, Considering “handmade pairing”
Ippou Co., Ltd. Press release: November 25, 2024 [A 2024 Christmas gift survey conducted by 106 men and women living in Hokkaido who have partners (54.7% living in Sapporo city)] Regarding the handmade gifts they would like to give at Christmas, 1 in 3 people are considering “handmade pairing” ~Comparison from last year revealed! Handmade wedding ring/engagement ring/pairing workshop “Kobo Smith Sapporo” announced ~ Kobo Smith Sapporo, a store specializing in handmade wedding rings, engagement rings, and pairing rings, is run by Ippou Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Sapporo City, Hokkaido, Representative Director: Masato Kaketani).He lives in Hokkaido, and every year he and his partner give Christmas presents. We would like to inform you that we conducted a fixed-point survey regarding Christmas gifts for couples living in Hokkaido [2024 Edition], targeting 106 men and women who have been exchanging gifts for two years or more. This survey is a fixed-point observation survey of the same survey (*1) announced in 2023. ■Survey summary
https://prcdn.freetls.fastly.net/release_image/61840/62/61840-62-ac4a8fdce42aab70fbf905ff5ea1510e-1200×800.jpg • 01|1 in 3 people are interested in experiencing handmade crafts at a store with their significant other at Christmas • 02|60.8% of this year’s Christmas gift budget is expected to be “less than 10,000 yen” The result was 20.8 points higher than the previous year • 03|When choosing a Christmas present, the important thing to consider is whether it matches the recipient’s taste Highest at 66.0% ■Survey overview • Survey name: [2024 edition] Fixed-point survey on Christmas gifts for couples living in Hokkaido • Survey method: Internet survey planned by research data marketing “Respy(R)︎” provided by IDEATECH • Survey period: November 12, 2024 to November 14, 2024 • Valid answer: 106 men and women who live in Hokkaido and have been in a relationship for over 2 years and exchange Christmas presents with their partners every year *1 | [2023 Edition] Fixed-point survey on Christmas presents for couples living in Hokkaido: November 17, 2023 – November 19, 2023 | *2|In order to make the total 100%, some numbers have been rounded up. Therefore, there may be slight differences from the actual calculated values. ≪Terms of Use≫ 1. Please clearly indicate the name of “Kobo Simith Sapporo” as the source of the information. 2 If you use this on your website, please include the link below as the source. URL: https://sapporo-smith.jp/ ■About 30% of respondents said they would like to give a handmade present this Christmas “Q1. Would you like to give a handmade present as a Christmas present this year?” (n=106) asked, 7.5% “strongly agree” and 18.9% “somewhat agree” That was the answer.
https://prcdn.freetls.fastly.net/release_image/61840/62/61840-62-cad6951d7099e3c518262ba50ec20267-1200×800.jpg Q1.Would you like to give a handmade present as a Christmas present this year? ・Strongly agree: 7.5% ・Somewhat agree: 18.9% ・I don’t really think so: 30.2% ・Not at all: 38.7% ・Don’t know/can’t answer: 4.7% ・Strongly agree: 9.4% ・Somewhat agree: 18.9% ・I don’t really think so: 31.1% ・Not at all: 34.9% ・Don’t know/can’t answer: 5.7% ■32.1% answered “handmade pairing” as a Christmas gift candidate For those who answered “Strongly agree” or “Somewhat agree” in Q1, “Q2. Please tell me the possible handmade gifts you would like to give as a Christmas present this year. (Multiple answers allowed)” When asked (n=28), “Album” 39.3%, “Pairing” 32.1%, “Photo frame” 21.4% That was the answer.
https://prcdn.freetls.fastly.net/release_image/61840/62/61840-62-8a77d1ac200ce071240ded1210b9d5b5-1200×800.jpg Q2. Please let me know what handmade gifts you would like to give as Christmas presents this year. (Multiple answers) ・Album: 39.3% ・Pairing: 32.1% ・Photo frame: 21.4% ・Strap: 17.9% ・Embroidered or knitted clothing: 14.3% ・Handmade leather accessories: 14.3% ・Other: 7.1% -Cake ・Nothing in particular/Don’t know/Can’t answer: 21.4% ・Pairing: 46.7% ・Album: 33.3% ・Photo frame: 20.0% ・Strap: 20.0% ・Embroidered or knitted clothing: 13.3% ・Handmade leather accessories: 6.7% ・Other: 6.7% ・Nothing in particular/Don’t know/Can’t answer: 10.0% ■As in 2023, the number one reason for wanting to give a handmade present is “Because it will be an original present just for you” For those who answered “Strongly agree” or “Somewhat agree” in Q1, “Q3. Please tell me why you would like to give a handmade present. (Multiple answers allowed)” (n=28) asked, 42.9% said “It’s a unique gift that’s unique to you,” 35.7% said “It lets the other person know that you made it for them,” and “The time you spent making it will become a memory of yourself.” 21.4% That was the answer. Image
URL: https://prcdn.freetls.fastly.net/release_image/61840/62/61840-62-2130bd8e18c047463e42afe7969f8e4e-1200×800.jpg Q3. Please tell me why you would like to give a handmade present. (Multiple answers) ・Because it will be an original gift just for you: 42.9% ・Because it conveys to the other person the feeling that it was made for them: 35.7% ・The time you spend creating it will become your memories: 21.4% ・Handmade items are hard to forget: 17.9% ・Because cost performance is good: 10.7% ・Others: 0.0% ・Nothing in
particular/Don’t know/Can’t answer: 17.9% ・Because it will be an original gift just for you: 53.3% ・The time you spend making it will become your memories: 36.7% ・Because it conveys to the other person the feeling that it was made for them: 26.7% ・Handmade items are hard to forget: 23.3% ・Because cost performance is good: 6.7% ・Others: 0.0% ・Nothing in particular/Don’t know/Can’t answer: 3.3% ■The most popular budget for handmade gifts that they would like to give this Christmas in 2023 is “10,000 yen to less than 20,000 yen,” while in 2024 the most popular option is “5,000 yen to less than 10,000 yen” at 46.4%. For those who answered “Strongly agree” or “Somewhat agree” in Q1, “Q4. Please tell me the budget for the handmade presents you would like to give as Christmas presents this year.” (n=28) asked, “Less than 5,000 yen” 14.4%, “5,000 yen – less than 10,000 yen” 46.4% That was the answer.
https://prcdn.freetls.fastly.net/release_image/61840/62/61840-62-0cc782516972a776d14b226673dd0101-1200×800.jpg Q4. Please tell me the budget for the handmade gifts you would like to give as Christmas presents this year. ・Less than 5,000 yen: 14.4% ・5,000 yen to less than 10,000 yen: 46.4% ・10,000 yen to less than 20,000 yen: 3.6% ・20,000 yen to less than 30,000 yen: 7.1% ・30,000 yen to less than 40,000 yen: 7.1% ・40,000 yen to less than 50,000 yen: 3.6% ・Over 50,000 yen: 7.1% ・Don’t know/can’t answer: 10.7% ・Less than 5,000 yen: 23.3% ・5,000 yen to less than 10,000 yen: 16.7% ・10,000 yen to less than 20,000 yen: 30.0% ・20,000 yen to less than 30,000 yen: 10.0% ・30,000 yen to less than 40,000 yen: 10.0% ・40,000 yen to less than 50,000 yen: 0.0% ・Over 50,000 yen: 6.7% ・Don’t know/can’t answer: 3.3% ■One in three people are interested in “handmade experience at a store” with their lover at Christmas “Q5. Would you like to try your hand at a store with your lover this Christmas?” (n=106) asked, 8.6% “strongly agree” and 22.6% “somewhat agree” That was the answer. Image
URL: https://prcdn.freetls.fastly.net/release_image/61840/62/61840-62-93217357c974fc9bb906fac4a35118de-1200×800.jpg Q5.Would you like to try your hand at a store with your lover this Christmas? ・Strongly agree: 8.6% ・Somewhat agree: 22.6% ・I don’t really think so: 24.5% ・Not at all: 35.8% ・Don’t know/can’t answer: 8.5% ・Strongly agree: 13.2% ・Somewhat agree: 21.7% ・I don’t really think so: 29.2% ・Not at all: 31.1% ・Don’t know/can’t answer: 4.7% ■“Clothing” and “accessories” are the top candidates for presents you want to give this year For those who answered “I don’t really think so” or “I don’t think so at all” in Q1, “Q6. Please tell me the candidates for the present this year. (Multiple answers)” (n=73) asked, 37.0% for “clothing” and 37.0% for “accessories” 21.9%, “Meals” 19.2% That was the answer.
https://prcdn.freetls.fastly.net/release_image/61840/62/61840-62-4ca2aaba03e671149bc2cfd7420a395f-1200×800.jpg Q6. Please let me know what gifts you would like to give this year. (Multiple answers) ・Clothing: 37.0% ・Accessories: 21.9% ・Meals: 19.2% ・Perfume: 5.5% ・Electronic equipment: 5.5% ・Flowers: 4.1% ・Cosmetics: 2.7% ・Other: 4.1% -Glasses – Accessories such as wallets ・Nothing in particular/Don’t know/Can’t answer: 30.1% ・Clothing: 44.3% ・Meals: 31.4% ・Accessories: 21.4% ・Electronic equipment: 14.3% ・Flowers: 2.9% ・Cosmetics: 1.4% ・Perfume: 0.0% ・Other: 8.6% ・Nothing in
particular/Don’t know/Can’t answer: 12.9% ■Approximately 30% of respondents answered that they had “given a handmade present” in the past “Q7. Have you ever given a handmade present?” (n=106) asked, 11.4% said “many times” and 16.0% said “several times” That was the answer.
https://prcdn.freetls.fastly.net/release_image/61840/62/61840-62-33b88d0c5eddcbd306efcd8d2d03503d-1200×800.jpg Q7. Have you ever given a handmade present to someone? ・Many times: 11.4% ・A few times: 16.0% ・Only once: 13.2% ・Never: 52.8% ・Don’t know/can’t answer: 6.6% ・Many times: 11.3% ・A few times: 30.2% ・Only once: 9.4% ・Never: 47.2% ・Don’t know/can’t answer: 1.9% ■When choosing a Christmas present for your lover, the most important thing, 66.0%, is “Does it suit the other person’s taste?” “Q8. Please tell us what you consider important when choosing a Christmas present for your lover. (Multiple answers)” (n=106) asked, 66.0% said “Does it suit the other person’s taste?” 36.8% said “Is it practical?” 29.2% said “Is it something that can be used for a long time?” That was the answer.
https://prcdn.freetls.fastly.net/release_image/61840/62/61840-62-94565ab4cc30baede0498e3058ae3cf6-1200×800.jpg Q8. Please tell us what you consider important when choosing a Christmas present for your lover. (Multiple answers) ・Does it match the other person’s tastes: 66.0% ・Is it practical? 36.8% ・Is it something that can be used for a long time?: 29.2% ・Is it memorable? 28.3% ・Is it suitable for the relationship between the two people: 19.8% ・Is the budget appropriate?: 18.9% ・Does it overlap with other people? 5.7% ・Is there a sense of seasonality: 5.7% ・Others: 0.0% ・Don’t know/can’t answer: 3.8% ■Comments such as “It’s something that suits the other person” and “Is it your favorite brand?” For those who answered anything other than “I don’t know/can’t answer” in Q8, “Q9. In addition to what you answered in Q8, if there is anything you consider important when choosing a Christmas present for your lover, please feel free to tell us. (Free answer)” (n=102) asked, “What suits the other person?” “Is it your favorite brand?” We received 59 answers. • Choose from what the other person wants • Things that don’t get in the way • Things that suit the other person • Things that can be sold at reuse shops • Buy after carefully simulating whether it actually suits you • Is it your favorite brand? • Something that is easy to use, can be used for a long time, and is loved by customers ■Summary|Handmade gifts such as pairings and albums are very popular! This time, we conducted a fixed-point survey regarding Christmas gifts for couples living in Hokkaido (2024 edition) targeting 106 men and women who live in Hokkaido and have been dating for over two years and exchange Christmas presents with their partners every year. First, 32.1% of people answered that they would like to give a handmade present. When asked about handmade gifts they would like to give, 39.3% said “album” and 32.1% said “pairing”, which is the same as last year, and 42.9% said “because it’s an original gift that’s unique to you.” It became the highest number. In addition, in terms of budget, in 2023, the most common choice was “10,000 yen to less than 20,000 yen,” whereas in 2024, the most common choice was “5,000 yen to less than 10,000 yen,” at 46.4%, indicating that economic considerations were I can hear it. Additionally, 31.2% of people said they would like to have a “handmade experience” with their significant other, down 3.7 points from last year, but it was found that standard items such as “clothing” and “accessories” remain popular. . Finally, when choosing a gift, the highest percentage of respondents (66.0%) placed emphasis on whether it would suit the recipient’s tastes. This survey revealed how people share special moments and deepen their bonds with each other by giving Christmas presents to their loved ones. In particular, handmade presents have a strong following because of their originality and the way they convey feelings. This Christmas, why not plan a handmade gift that will leave the process of making it as a wonderful memory for the two of you? ■If you want to make pairings by hand in Hokkaido, go to “Kobo Smith Sapporo”
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oDhwYX-sWUo A free and beautiful ring that can only be made by Studio Smith Sapporo. Wedding rings and engagement rings are special, so you want to create an ideal design that captures the couple’s feelings. Designers and skilled craftsmen will bring your dreams to life. [Sapporo Main Store] Address: Oenon Hokkaido BLD1F, Minami 2-jo Nishi 10-1, Chuo-ku, Sapporo 060-0062 Business hours: 10:00-19:00 (Late course 19:00-22:00) Reservations: Reservations are required. Please make a reservation using the form below https://sapporo-smith.jp/reserve/ Access: 3 minutes walk from Exit 3 of Nishi 11-chome Station on the Tozai Subway Line *Free parking available URL: https://sapporo-smith.jp/ [Keio Plaza Hotel CENTER store, EAST store, WEST store] Address: 1F Keio Plaza Hotel Sapporo, 7-2-1 Kita 5 Nishi, Chuo-ku, Sapporo 060-0005 Business hours: CENTER store|9:30-19:00 (late course 18:30-21:30) EAST
store|9:30-19:30 (Late course 18:00-21:00) WEST store|10:00-19:00 (Late course 19:00-20:30) Reservations: Reservations are required. Please make a reservation using the form below
https://sapporo-smith.jp/reserve/ Access: 5 minutes walk from JR “Sapporo” station URL: https://sapporo-smith.jp/ ■Company profile Company name: Ippou Co., Ltd. Location: 〒060-0062 Oenon Hokkaido BLD1F, Minami 2-jo Nishi 10-chome, Chuo-ku, Sapporo, Hokkaido Founded: April 1, 2009 Representative: Representative Director: Masato Kaketani URL: https://ippoo-japan.com/ Jewelry repair/renovation specialty store “RITZ GLANDE”: https://www.sapporo-housekisyuuri.com/

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